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Propose scheduled rate increases


We’re gradually rolling out this feature to everyone, so you may not see the option to include a scheduled rate increase in your proposal workflow yet.

Managing your rate is a big part of building your independent career. To help manage what you earn now and in the future, you can build hourly rate increases into your proposals.

For hourly contracts, you can include scheduled rate increases in your proposal to a client, building those increases into your hourly contract automatically. This allows you to keep your rate competitive on hourly contracts that have extended timelines or that do not have a clear end date, without having to start a new contract.


This feature is not available for Enterprise contracts.

How it works

Propose a scheduled rate increase

You can include a scheduled rate increase in your proposal to a non-Enterprise client for an hourly contract. Your client can accept or decline your proposed increase, or they can set a different amount or schedule in their offer.

Once you accept an offer and your contract starts, the schedule and amount of the increase in the offer will continue throughout the duration of your contract.

To include a scheduled rate increase in your proposal, follow these easy steps:

  1. Set the terms of your proposal
  2. In the Schedule a rate increase section, choose how often you want a rate increase from the dropdown menu. The frequencies are based on when your contract starts
  3. Choose how much of an increase you want from the percent dropdown menu or set a custom amount. Amounts are set as a percent of the rate you set in your proposal terms
  4. You’ll immediately see a calculation of what your rate will be after freelancer service fees are deducted, and you can adjust your proposed increase before you send your proposal if needed

Including a rate increase is optional. If you don’t want to include one in your proposal, choose Never from the dropdown options when you select a frequency.

You can also include a scheduled rate increase when you suggest a new contract. (You can propose contracts to an existing client, a client you’ve worked with before, or a client who has messaged you through Project Catalog or consultations). Your client can approve or decline your proposal, or they can edit the contract offer.

Review a scheduled rate increase in an offer

If your client includes a scheduled rate increase in their offer, you’ll see it in the Contract Details section of the offer.

When you receive an offer, if you want to suggest a different rate increase schedule or amount to your client, you’ll need to message them in Upwork Messages. Only the client can change the amount and schedule in the offer. Once you accept an offer, the rate increase schedule and amount in the offer will continue throughout the duration of your contract.


Scheduling a rate increase is optional for you and your client. However, once you both agree to the scheduled rate increase, it is permanent for the length of your contract. If you want to negotiate new rates in the future, you’ll need to start a new contract.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to include a scheduled rate increase in my proposal?

No, scheduling a rate increase is optional. You can choose Never from the dropdown options when you select a frequency.

Can I request a different rate increase amount or schedule after the contract starts?

No, the rate increase schedule stays in place for the length of the contract. To change it, you and your client will need to start a new contract.

Can scheduled rate increases be added to existing contracts?

No, you and your client need to schedule the rate increase at the beginning of a contract. We don’t offer the option to add one to existing contracts.

Can I propose a scheduled rate increase to an Enterprise client?

No, this feature is not available for Enterprise contracts.

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